Saturday, July 11, 2009

Coming and Going

Harrison is starting to get into a, you get the idea. Lots of folks have called and a few dropped by to say hello to the newest boy in town. The ladies at church held a "table shower" for us, providing a lot of the little things that we had either gotten rid of or just haven't had since Peyton came along 10 years (!!) ago.

Perhaps the most creative was this little boy from Stacie. It's a one-sie stuffed with diapers and even plugged with a pacifier. Thanks to everyone who has helped out, dropped off food or brought something by!
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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations you guys! I had no idea that Lynna was even expecting! Julie Dancer sent me an email today with the link to your blog, otherwise I still wouldn't know. I hope you're all doing well and adjusting to having a new baby in the house, again!
    love you, Karen :-)
